Categories for Quantum#

Alexis Toumi & Giovanni de Felice

5th May 2021, Tallcat

  1. Categorical quantum mechanics

    • the miracle of scalars

    • the way of the dagger

    • braids and symmetry

    • compact closed categories

    • special commutative Frobenius algebras

    • bialgebras & Hopf algebras

  2. Qubit quantum computing

    • the circuit model

    • the ZX-calculus

  3. Applications

    • optimisation

    • compilation

    • extraction

    • natural language processing

Categorical quantum mechanics#

The traditional formulation of quantum theory happens in \(\mathbf{Hilb}\), the monoidal category of Hilbert spaces and bounded linear maps with the tensor product.

Categorical quantum mechanics (CQM) seeks to make explicit precisely what structure is needed of \(\mathbf{Hilb}\) in order to recover quantum theory.


  • A categorical semantics of quantum protocols, Abramsky & Coecke (arXiv:0402130)

  • Categorical quantum mechanics, Abramsky & Coecke (arXiv:0808.1023)

  • Picturing quantum processes: a first course in quantum theory and diagrammatic reasoning, Coecke & Kissinger (2017)

  • Categories for quantum theory: an introduction, Heunen & Vicary (2019)

In the process, we get a diagrammatic language for quantum processes.

We also get a new intuition for monoidal categories:

  • Systems are objects \(A, B\), composition of systems is given by their tensor product \(A \otimes B\).

  • Processes are arrows \(f : A \to B\), \(g : B \to C\), with their sequential and parallel compositions \(g \circ f\) and \(f \otimes g\).

  • States are arrows from the unit \(v : 1 \to A\).

  • Effects are arrows into the unit \(e : A \to 1\).

  • Scalars are endomorphisms of the unit \(s : 1 \to 1\).

The miracle of scalars#

Lemma: Tensoring with a scalar is a natural transformation.


from discopy.monoidal import Ty, Box
from discopy.drawing import Equation

x, y, z = Ty(*"xyz")
f, g = Box('f', x, y), Box('g', y, z)
a, b, c, d = (Box(x, Ty(), Ty()) for x in 'abcd')

assert a @ x >> f == (f >> a @ y).normal_form()
Equation(a @ x >> f, f >> a @ y).draw(figsize=(5, 2))

Lemma: In a monoidal category, scalars form a commutative monoid.

Proof: Eckmann-Hilton argument.

from discopy import drawing

assert (a @ b).interchange(0, 1) == b @ a
assert (a @ b).interchange(0, 1).interchange(0, 1) == a @ b

drawing.to_gif(a @ b, b @ a, loop=True, figsize=(.5, 1), path='../_static/monoidal/Eckmann-Hilton.gif')

Definition: A monoidal category is enriched in commutative monoids (com.mon. enriched) if every homset is a commutative monoid such that composition and tensor are monoid homomorphisms.

\[(f + f') \otimes (g + g') = (f \otimes g) + (f' \otimes g) + (f \otimes g') + (f' \otimes g')\]
\[(f + f') \circ (g + g') = (f \circ g) + (f' \circ g) + (f \circ g') + (f' \circ g')\]
\[0 \otimes f = 0 \circ f = 0 = f \circ 0 = f \otimes 0\]
from discopy.monoidal import Sum

zero = Sum((), Ty(), Ty())

assert zero + a == Sum((a, )) == a + zero
assert (a + b) + c == a + b + c == a + (b + c)
assert (a + b) @ (c + d) == (a @ c) + (a @ d) + (b @ c) + (b @ d)
assert (a + b) >> (c + d) == (a >> c) + (a >> d) + (b >> c) + (b >> d)

Lemma: In a com.mon. enriched monoidal category, the scalars form a commutative semiring.

Definition: A commutative semiring is a com.mon. enriched monoidal category with one object.

Lemma: Given a commutative semiring \(\mathbb{S}\), the category \(\mathbf{Mat}_\mathbb{S}\) of \(\mathbb{S}\)-valued matrices is monoidal with the Kronecker product.

Lemma: \(\mathbf{FHilb} \simeq \mathbf{Mat}_\mathbb{C}\).

Lemma: \(\mathbf{FRel} \simeq \mathbf{Mat}_\mathbb{B}\).

Com.mon. enrichment allows us to talk about superposition, basis and dimension in an abstract setting.

Definition: Given two states \(v, w : 1 \to A\), their superposition is a linear combination \(a \otimes v + b \otimes w : 1 \to A\) for two scalars \(a, b : 1 \to 1\).

Definition: A basis for \(A\) is a minimal set of states \(\{\vert i \rangle : 1 \to A\}\) such that every state \(w : 1 \to A\) is a linear combination \(w = \sum_i a_i \otimes \vert i \rangle\) for some scalars \(a_i : 1 \to 1\).

Definition: The dimension of a system is the cardinality of its smallest basis.

The way of the dagger#

Definition: A dagger is a contravariant involutive identity-on-objects monoidal functor.

In terms of diagrams, the dagger is the vertical reflexion.

We may draw asymmetric boxes to distinguish a generator from its dagger.

Equation(f, f[::-1], symbol="$\mapsto$").draw(asymmetry=.25, figsize=(3, 1))
from discopy.monoidal import Id

assert Id(x)[::-1] == Id(x)
assert (f >> g)[::-1] ==  g[::-1] >> f[::-1]
assert (f @ g)[::-1].normal_form() ==  f[::-1] @ g[::-1]

Equation((f @ g)[::-1], f[::-1] @ g[::-1]).draw(figsize=(5, 2))

The dagger allows us to formulate the notion of inner product in an abstract setting.

Definition: The inner product of two states \(w, w' : 1 \to A\) is the scalar \(w^\dagger \circ w' : 1 \to 1\).

Definition: The squared norm of a state \(w : 1 \to A\) is the scalar \(w^\dagger \circ w\). It is normalised when it has norm \(1\), the identity of the monoidal unit.

Definition: Two states \(w, w' : 1 \to A\) are orthogonal when \(w^\dagger \circ w' = 0\).

Definition: An isometry is a norm-preserving process \(f : A \to B\), i.e. \(f^\dagger \circ f = \text{id}_A\).

Definition: A unitary is an isomorphism \(f : A \to B\) with inverse \(f^\dagger\), i.e. \(f^\dagger \circ f = \text{id}_A\) and \(f \circ f^\dagger = \text{id}_B\).

Definition: A basis is orthonormal if \(\langle i | j \rangle = \delta_{ij}\).

It also allows us to talk about quantum measurements, the Born rule and even a simple form of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle!

Definition: A projector is a process \(p : A \to A\) such that \(p = p^\dagger\) and \(p \circ p = \text{id}_A\).

Example: Take \(w \circ w^\dagger : A \to A\) for any normalised state \(w : 1 \to A\).

Definition: A (projection-valued) measurement is a set of projectors \(\{p_i : A \to A\}\) such that \(\sum p_i = \text{id}_A\).

Example: Take an orthonormal basis \(\{\vert i \rangle\}\) then \(\{\vert i \rangle \langle i \vert\}\) is a measurement.

Lemma: A measurement is a choice of basis and a partition of it.

Definition (Born rule): Given a normalised state \(w : 1 \to A\) and a measurement \(\{p_i : A \to A\}\), the probability of measuring outcome \(i\) and getting the state \(p_i(w)\) as a result is \(P(i \vert w) = w^\dagger \circ p_i \circ w\).

Example: Take \(p_i = v \circ v^\dagger\) then we get the squared amplitude \(P(v \vert w) = \langle w \vert v \rangle^2\).

Definition: Two bases are complementary (a.k.a. mutually unbiased) if \(P(i \vert j) = P(i' \vert j')\) for all \(i, i'\) and \(j, j'\).

Example: Take \(\{\vert 0 \rangle, \vert 1 \rangle\}\) and \(\{\vert + \rangle, \vert - \rangle\}\) the two bases of \(\mathbb{C}^2\) with:

\[\vert + \rangle = \frac{\vert 0 \rangle + \vert 1 \rangle}{\sqrt{2}} \quad and \quad \vert - \rangle = \frac{\vert 0 \rangle - \vert 1 \rangle}{\sqrt{2}}\]


Braids and symmetry#

Definition: A (strict) monoidal category is braided if for every objects \(A, B\) we have swaps:


such that




Definition: A braided monoidal category is symmetric if Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2018.59.19.png

or equivalently Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2021.50.08.png

Lemma: In a braided monoidal category, we can prove the Yang-Baxter equation. Screenshot%202021-05-05%20at%2012.26.22.png Proof: Naturality + Hexagon.

Compact closed categories#

Recall: In a right-rigid monoidal category, for every \(L\) there is a right adjoint \(R\) and a pair of arrows:


such that Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2018.40.35.png

Lemma: In a braided monoidal category, left and right adjoints collapse.

Proof: Define Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2019.09.27.png

Then from naturality we get:


Definition: A compact closed category is a rigid symmetric monoidal category.

Lemma: In a compact closed category, the following equations hold: Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2019.04.17.png

Definition: The transpose of a process is given by: Screenshot%202021-05-05%20at%2012.33.05.png

Definition: A \(\dagger\) compact closed category is a compact closed category with a dagger, such that swaps are unitaries andScreenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2019.32.04.png

In a \(\dagger\) compact closed category, we get a \(\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2\) action on processes: Screenshot%202021-05-05%20at%2012.33.44.png

Compact closed categories allow to formulate the notion of entanglement in an abstract setting.

Definition: A state \(w : 1 \to A \otimes B\) is separable when it can be written as a tensor \(w = v \otimes v'\) for some \(v : 1 \to A\) and \(v' 1 \to B\).

Definition: A state \(w : 1 \to A \otimes B\) is entangled if it is not separable.

Lemma: The cup of a non-trivial system is entangled.

Proof: Suppose the cup is separable, then the identity factors through the unit.


Lemma (Teleportation): Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2023.19.35.png

Proof: Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2023.20.39.png

We can also formulate an abstract version of the no-deleting and no-cloning theorem.

Definition: Deleting is a natural transformation \(e_A : A \to 1\) with \(e_1 = 1\).

Lemma: A monoidal category has deleting if and only if \(1\) is terminal.

Theorem: If a compact closed category has deleting, then it is a preorder.

Proof: Take two parallel arrows \(f, g : A \to B\), then their coname \(\hat f, \hat g : A \otimes B^\star \to 1\) are equal, hence \(f = g\).

Definition: Copying is an commutative, associative natural transformation \(d_A : A \to A \otimes A\) such that:



Lemma: If a braided monoidal category has copying, then:


Proof: Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.27.41.png


Theorem: If a compact closed category has copying, then:Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.25.26.png

Proof: Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.30.17.png

Special commutative Frobenius algebras#

Definition: A Frobenius algebra is a pair of a monoid and comonoid such that: Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.37.18.png

Definition: A Frobenius algebra is dagger when the dagger of multiplication is comultiplication, and the dagger of unit is counit.

Definition: A \(\dagger\) Frobenius algebra is commutative when its monoid is commutative.

Definition: A \(\dagger\) Frobenius algebra is special when Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.37.28.png

Lemma: Frobenius algebras are self-adjoint.

Proof: Define cups and caps Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.46.07.png


Lemma: Homomorphisms of Frobenius algebras are isomorphisms, with inverse given by


Proof: Suppose \(f\) is a homomorphism of Frobenius algebras. Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.49.59.png

Theorem (Spider Fusion): Every connected diagram \(d : A^{\otimes n} \to A^{\otimes m}\) generated by the co/monoid of a Frobenius algebra is equal to a spider-shaped diagramScreenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.51.16.png

Proof: By induction, we move all the black comonoid below the white monoid.


Theorem (Artin–Wedderburn): in \(\mathbf{FHilb}\), \(\dagger\) special commutative Frobenius algebras are in one-to-one correspondance with orthonormal bases.

Proof: \(C^\star\) algebra magic.

The correspondance sends a \(\dagger\) SCFA to the basis of copyable states: Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2023.09.13.png

It sends a basis to the Frobenius algebra given by: Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2023.11.05.png

Frobenius algebras not only characterise bases in \(\mathbf{Hilb}\), they also allow us to formulate an abstract notion of phases.

Definition: Given a \(\dagger\)SCFA, a phase is a state \(a : 1 \to A\) such that:


It defines a phase shift map, a.k.a. diagonal unitary matrices: Screenshot%202021-05-05%20at%2003.00.14.png

Lemma: Phases form a group.


Proof: Associativity and unit follow from that of Frobenius algebras. Define the inverse as follows. Screenshot%202021-05-05%20at%2003.06.15.png

Then we get Screenshot%202021-05-05%20at%2003.06.17.png

Bialgebras and Hopf algebras#

Now that we’ve characterised orthonormal bases, we can look at how they interact.

Definition: In a braided monoidal category, a bialgebra is a pair of monoid and comonoid such that: Screenshot%202021-05-05%20at%2000.13.53.png

Example: In \(\mathbf{Set}\), a bialgebra is a monoid.

Definition: A bialgebra is Hopf when it has an antipode \(s : A \to A\) such that:


Example: In \(\mathbf{Set}\), a Hopf algebra is a group.

Theorem: Two bases are complementary if and only if their corresponding Frobenius algebras obey the Hopf law.

Proof: Define the antipode to be a zebra-snake. Screenshot%202021-05-05%20at%2001.17.01.png

Then the Hopf law holds if and only if for all \(a\) in the white basis and \(b\) in the black basis:


The right-hand side is equal to \(1\) and the left-hand side simplifies to:


i.e. the probability \(P(a \vert b)\) is constant.

Qubit quantum computing#

The circuit model#

Definition: A gateset is a monoidal signature \(\Sigma\) with one generating object \(\Sigma_0 = \{x\}\) and a monoidal functor \([\![-]\!] : C_\Sigma \to \mathbf{Hilb}\) with \([\![x]\!] = \mathbb{C}^2\) and for all gate \(g \in \Sigma_1\), its evaluation \([\![g]\!]\) is unitary.

Example: Universal gateset \(CX, H, Rx(\theta)\).

Example: Approximately universal \(CX, H, T\).

Definition: A circuit with \(n\)-qubits is a diagram \(d : x^{\otimes n} \to x^{\otimes n}\) in \(C_\Sigma\).

from discopy.quantum import Id, CX, H, Ket

circuit = Ket(0, 0) >> H @ Id(1) >> CX
circuit.draw(figsize=(2, 3))
Tensor[complex]([0.70710678+0.j, 0.    +0.j, 0.    +0.j, 0.70710678+0.j], dom=Dim(1), cod=Dim(2, 2))
Tensor[complex]([0.70710678+0.j, 0.    +0.j, 0.    +0.j, 0.70710678+0.j], dom=Dim(1), cod=Dim(2, 2))
Id(1).transpose().draw(figsize=(3, 4))
Tensor[complex]([1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 1.+0.j], dom=Dim(2), cod=Dim(2))
Tensor[complex]([1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 1.+0.j], dom=Dim(2), cod=Dim(2))

Finding equations between unitary gates turns out to be difficult, even for two qubits.

Reference: Relations for Clifford+T operators on two qubits, Peter Selinger and Xiaoning Bian (slides)




It turns out that the presentation is much simpler if you axiomatize all of \(\mathbf{FHilb}\) at once, rather than only unitaries. It also allows you to “open the black box” of gates.

from discopy.quantum.zx import circuit2zx


The axioms are not arcane combinations of black boxes anymore, they come from the interaction of our two friends: \(\dagger\) special commutative Frobenius algebras and Hopf algebras.

Reference: A Near-Optimal Axiomatisation of ZX-Calculus for Pure Qubit Quantum Mechanics, Renaud Vilmart (arXiv:1812.09114)

See also:


Theorem: The axioms above are complete for the subcategory of \(\mathbf{Hilb}\) generated by \(\mathbb{C}^2\).



Quantum circuits can be simplified using the rules of the ZX calculus.


  • Optimising Clifford Circuits with Quantomatic, Fagan & Duncan (arXiv:1901.10114)

  • Graph-theoretic Simplification of Quantum Circuits with the ZX-calculus, Duncan et al. (arXiv:1902.03178)

  • PyZX: Large Scale Automated Diagrammatic Reasoning, Kissinger, van de Wetering (arXiv:1904.04735)

The structure behind PyZX is a category of cospans of graphs.


We want to compile high-level circuits into low-level gates, and map logical qubits to physical qubits, subject to some architecture constraints on what pairs of qubits can interact.


  • tket : A Retargetable Compiler for NISQ Devices, Sivarajah et al. (arXiv:2003.10611)

  • A Generic Compilation Strategy for the Unitary Coupled Cluster Ansatz, Cowtan et al. (arXiv:2007.10515)

Essentially, the data structure behind t|ket> is a free symmetric monoidal category.


Given a ZX diagram, which encodes a measurement-based quantum computation, we want to extract a unitary circuit.


  • There and back again: A circuit extraction tale, Backens et al. (arXiv:2003.01664)


Given the grammar for a sentence, we map each word to circuits and compose them to solve some natural language processing task.


  • Quantum Natural Language Processing on Near-Term Quantum Computers, Meichanetzidis et al. (arXiv:2005.04147)

  • Grammar-Aware Question-Answering on Quantum Computers, Meichanetzidis et al. (arXiv:2012.03756)